Co.coon is a duo show with Tatiana Wolska in the Maison des cultures Molenbeek. I produced the artwork «Jardin oscillant» for the exhibition directly in the space. During two months, the raw wool grew into an interactive sculpture. One part is a felted tapestry, dyed with traditional plant dyes such as madder, indigo, reseda, mellow blossom, and sandalwood. This ancient technique of textile making evokes memories of home through various cultures and epochs. The tapestry represents a wild garden in which the motif got distorted through the making. The garden embraces a swing structure and turns on the other side into a hammock. It speaks of leisure, while the making was labor-intense; the yarn is partly hand spun and then turned into ropes by a Swiss rope maker. Lying on this network of ropes, the spectator is open to subjective cartography. And eventually, experience the imprinted slowness of the rhythms and the attention posed to the growth of nature.

Text Arnaud Matagne


coreopsis c(h)amp

